Media and Features
Redesign America with Mustafa Ali-Smith
Season 1 Episode #1: The U.S. Criminal Justice System
The U.S. criminal justice system is complex in design and many people don't understand how it works. In Mustafa Ali-Smith's inaugural podcast episode, Candice talk about the importance of justice-centered advocacy, amplifying the narratives of those within correctional facilities, the case for prison abolition, and what everyday people can do to dismantle systems of oppression.
Purple Diary Podcast with Danielle Richardson
Season 1 Episode #5: Social Media 101
"Right now, I think it's my job to fight for the liberation of people who can't necessarily fight for themselves." Joining childhood friend, Danielle Richardson, Candice speaks about the importance of curating content and galvanizing a digital audience in efforts to make change. Speaking particularly about instagram, twitter, and her summer project, (in)justice served, Candice makes the case for impactful social media activism and encourages listeners to turn apathy into action.
Season 1 Episode #1: The U.S. Criminal Justice System
The U.S. criminal justice system is complex in design and many people don't understand how it works. In Mustafa Ali-Smith's inaugural podcast episode, Candice talk about the importance of justice-centered advocacy, amplifying the narratives of those within correctional facilities, the case for prison abolition, and what everyday people can do to dismantle systems of oppression.
Purple Diary Podcast with Danielle Richardson
Season 1 Episode #5: Social Media 101
"Right now, I think it's my job to fight for the liberation of people who can't necessarily fight for themselves." Joining childhood friend, Danielle Richardson, Candice speaks about the importance of curating content and galvanizing a digital audience in efforts to make change. Speaking particularly about instagram, twitter, and her summer project, (in)justice served, Candice makes the case for impactful social media activism and encourages listeners to turn apathy into action.